Welcome to the CLUG project website!
Imagine trains using the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) all over Europe. Basically, satellites keeping Europe's railways on track.
It's getting real! The EU-funded "Certifiable Localisation Unit with GNSS in the railway environment" (#CLUGProject) goal is to assess the creation of a failsafe on-board localisation unit using GNSS that will be interoperable across the entire
European railway network.
Bringing together railway companies, railway signalling industries, navigation specialists, a research institute and a certification expert, the #CLUGProject will improve localisation performance and offer a better customer experience to all European travelers. Ultimately, it could become a key technology and a game-changer for the European railway network.

"Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) is the leading mobility and logistics service provider in Germany. Over the past few years, the DB Group has developed, step by step, into a leading international mobility and logistics service provider.
The Group provides services in three major divisions:
• ensures mobility for its customers in long-distance, regional, urban, and freight transport,
• provides logistics services worldwide, and
• operates the track infrastructure and offers transport- related services
DB Netz AG is the railway infrastructure manager of Deutsche Bahn AG.It is responsible for the approximately 33,300 kilometre long rail network, including all operationally necessary installations. An average of 40,000 trains are using DB Netz AG’s infrastructure per day."

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) is Switzerland’s national train company and largest transport company. The Swiss are European champions in rail travel: In 2017, the satisfied demand was at 19 bn passenger kilometers, that means each Swiss covered approx. 2300 km by rail. The SBB Group is made up of the five divisions Passenger, Freight (SBB Cargo), Infrastructure, Real Estate and IT.

SNCF missions? To simplify your journeys, to make the transport of people and goods more fluid and to develop the mobility of tomorrow. To meet these challenges, SNCF is organised around a parent company and SNCF Réseau, SNCF Gares & Connexions, Rail Logistics Europe, SNCF Voyageurs, Geodis and Keolis.

CAF is a multinational group with over 100 years of experience in the supply of comprehensive transit solutions positioned at the forefront of technology for high value added sustainable mobility. The company is a leader of the railway industry offering one of the most comprehensive and flexible arrays of products in railway related markets, such as rolling stock, components, infrastructure, signalling and services (maintenance, refurbishing and financial services).

Airbus Defense & Space
"Airbus Defence and Space is one of the three Divisions of the Airbus Group and Europe’s Number 1 defence
and space company. Comprised of three business lines – Military Aircraft, Space Systems and Communication, Intelligence and Security (CIS) – Airbus brings together a wide portfolio to meet the complex needs of its customers, contribute to nations’ defence and security, and secure Europe’s sovereign and independent access to and utilisation of space."
"Airbus Defence and Space is one of the three Divisions of the Airbus Group and Europe’s Number 1 defence
and space company. Comprised of three business lines – Military Aircraft, Space Systems and Communication, Intelligence and Security (CIS) – Airbus brings together a wide portfolio to meet the complex needs of its customers, contribute to nations’ defence and security, and secure Europe’s sovereign and independent access to and utilisation of space."

L’Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) or French Civil Aviation University is a public institution under the supervision of the French Ministry of transport. Its mission is to provide ab-initio and further training for the executives and main players of the civil aviation world and do research in a variety of air transport related domains. ENAC Research Lab is organised in academic teams of research: Optimisation and Machine learning, Data Economics and Visualization, Telecom, Interactive Computing, a set of transversal
programs to monitor applied research: Safety and security, Sustainable development and Drones and two platforms Aeronautical Computer Human Interaction Lab (ACHIL) and the UAS Flying Arena.

The mission of NAVENTIK: Enabling Satellite Navigation for Automated driving. Established in 2017 as a Startup company from Chemnitz University of Technology, NAVENTIK is providing GNSS solutions for safety-critical applications. The NAVENTIK founding team is composed of tech enthusiasts and disruptive business experts.

NavCert was founded as a Joint Venture between TÜV Süd and OECON in 2006. Since 2012 NavCert is a 100% subsidiary of the OECON Holding GmbH.
NavCert is a technical service provider offering technical and strategic consulting as well as certification. It's core business activities are within the fields of positioning, navigation and timing and respective applications.
NavCert guarantees high quality and reliability under a strong logo combined with extensive application and market know-how in the area of GNSS and ubiquitous localization technology.

Space is the new technological revolution and it is changing the way we live, work and play. GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European Citizens get the most out of Europe’s satellite navigation programmes. The GSA’s mission is to support European Union objectives and achieve the highest return on European GNSS investment, in terms of benefits to users and economic growth and competitiveness

FDC is an independent consultancy and engineering company specialised in the field of Space applications and security, based in Vincennes, France. Through the support provided to the European Commission and its Agencies since the very early stages of the two flagship Space programmes of the European Union, FDC has acquired a recognised knowledge of both Copernicus and the European GNSS programmes Galileo and EGNOS. Over the last three decades, FDC has been strongly involved in about 150 EC support and R&D projects related
to GNSS, and has successfully coordinated more than half of them.

"Siemens Mobility GmbH (headquartered in Berlin) is the 100% owned mobility branch of Siemens AG, a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the industry, energy and healthcare
Since pioneering electric traction for railways in the 19th century, Siemens Mobility has been a leader in transport solutions for more than 160 years.
Siemens Mobility is constantly innovating its portfolio in its core areas of rolling stock, rail automation, electrification, turnkey systems, intelligent traffic systems as well as related services for both mainline and mass-transit railways."
The differents steps of the project
Project kick off
Data collection platform validation on the test train
Test plan definition
High level mission and system requirements
Beginning of the measurement campaign(s)
Analysis tool validation
Architecture & design definition including fusion and integrity algorithms
Test results evaluation versus design
Evaluation of EGNSS for rail
CLUG Final Results
Final event